Free Email Verifier

Verify your email list to Reduce bounce rates, Protect sender reputation and Reach high-quality prospects

Try ContactOut Email Verifier for free

Trusted by 1.4M users from
76% of Fortune 500 companies

Microsoft PWC Tenstorrent Merck Rackspace WarnerMedia Societe Generale Yelp Google

Why use ContactOut Email Verifier?


Accurate results

With 98% accurate results, you don't need to worry about out-dated and spam emails anymore


Affordable Pricing

We make our services transparent for every penny by taking the guarantee of email deliverability


Accelerated Turnarounds

From email validation to mail server verification, we’ve got the fastest turnaround

Start your free trial

Get rid of spam traps, hard bounces and catch-all emails

No credit card required

Unleash the power of email verification

Our Email verification tool does everything for you.


Verify email addresses in bulk

Simply drag and drop your email list into our email verification tool to verify and clean emails. An assurance report with ready-to-use valid email addresses will be ready to download. It doesn’t get any easier!

Try Bulk Email Verifier →
Email Verifier

Mail merge email verification

You spend a lot of time building the perfect email campaign. Don’t send it to a list that hasn’t been verified. Set up your campaign for success and improve deliverability, engagement, and ROI.

Try Campaign Email Verifier →
Mail Merge
Cloud Upload

List verification API

Reach out to our sales team to get access to Verification API

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